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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by warren on 09/24/2006 10:24, 26 messages, last message: 09/26/2006 23:50, 3304 views, last view: 05/31/2024 10:21

I have installed Sauerbraten but the game is very very slow!!!

Cube is running perfect but not Sauerbraten :(

This is my pc :
P4 3ghz
512mb ram
128-256mb video card(mb are token from the ram)

Why is it so slow???
Can you help me??


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#1: ..

by voldemar on 09/24/2006 10:35

Have you installed drivers from official site for your OS?

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#2: ..

by voldemar on 09/24/2006 10:36

i mean graphics drivers

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#3: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 10:42

yes I haveinstalled the latest ati drivers but not with catalyst ;)

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#4: ..

by Drakas on 09/24/2006 11:17

You're probably using an integrated graphics chip.
Get a dedicated one, either on PCI, AGP or PCI-E connection.

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#5: Re: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 11:28, refers to #4

yes but other galmes are running like battlefield and san andreas...

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#6: ..

by voldemar on 09/24/2006 12:11

pirate windows?

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#7: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 15:04

yes it's windows but why??

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#8: ..

by voldemar on 09/24/2006 16:03

i mean if its a pirate copy of windows then u copould get some bugz with drivers.

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#9: Re: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 16:13, refers to #8

it's not pirated but it isn't the original ^^
but the drivers that were delivered with the pc are installed (i have downloaded it from compaq.fr)

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#10: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 16:20

i have errors :
please help me

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#11: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 16:38

please :(

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#12: Re: ..

by voldemar on 09/24/2006 17:26, refers to #10

I have this too. Messages on the top of screen mean that your videocard dont supports some good things, like fancy water and other beautiful things (use numpad + and - to scroll messages). I dont know what mean 'no texture recentangle support', maybe tat's is the problem.

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#13: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 09/24/2006 17:44, refers to #12

That "no texture rectangle support" just means you can't do Blooming - I get that error.

I've got an ATI 9600, and it runs Sauer just fine (but no blooming) except for when I look at water, where it runs very slow. Anybody know the shader command to disable the new water?

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#14: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/24/2006 18:22, refers to #13

It's in the menu

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#15: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 18:28

This messages aren't important for the speed of the game

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#16: ..

by warren on 09/24/2006 21:53

It\'s a question ^^

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#17: ..

by makkE on 09/24/2006 22:24


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#18: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/25/2006 03:30, refers to #8

Its irrelevant if your copy of Windows is pirated.. what are you, a Microsoft representative?

Anywho, you might just have a GPU that is too weak. My Radeon 7500 simply cannot handle Sauerbraten at all, it isnt designed for older cards. Even after running it in 16bit mode @ 320x200, I get the same FPS. Intergrated graphics or older graphics cards simply do not go well with Sauerbraten.

While the rest of your system specs seem fine, your intergrated graphics chip is never going to let you play any decent games. Buy a standalone GPU (try the GeForce 6600GT) or stick to old games..

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#19: ..

by warren on 09/25/2006 17:45

Thanks you makke
Finally somebdoy who doesn't say 'Buy another card' thanks you very much (added to favorites if I forget ;))

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#20: ..

by SanHolo on 09/25/2006 21:32

512 MB RAM is damn little if your graphics card eats some away, too. I'd first buy another 512 MB of RAM.

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