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by nilfilter on 02/02/2002 21:39, 10 messages, last message: 02/02/2012 11:51, 3337 views, last view: 05/20/2024 19:28

we just had a nice match with 5 players until I was disconnected. Was it only me? Anyway, right now I cannot connect anymore to any of the 3 default servers.

First impression:
It's fast, very fast, and a lot of fun! Personally, I prefer Team Instagib mode over DM.
I got however somewhat confused about team colours:
TAB showed I was in the red team, but when shooting blue figures I apparently commited a team kill...

The maps are very nice, though somewhat small IMHO, but again that's a personal preference. Hopefully I can get a grip on myself and start mapping.

As a feature request I'd say CTF mode would be really great!


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#1: Network bug?

by Tjernobyl on 02/06/2002 18:33

I'm having a bit of trouble with networking. The system seems to hang on a connection attempt. If I'm running ZoneAlarm and attempt to connect to a server, my machine will lock. On the other hand, it seems to work fine otherwise.

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#2: Re: Network bug?

by SleepwalkR on 02/06/2002 20:35, refers to #1

I'd rather say that's a problem with ZoneAlarm or your ZA configuration.

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#3: server list

by Lemmingz on 02/16/2002 05:36

is there a place to get a list of servers or to post a server?

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#4: Re: server list

by Goetzenzar on 02/16/2002 15:17, refers to #3

There is a thread called permanent servers :)
with the next update of cube we'll have an updated list, or maybe a serverbrowser one day.

(Sleepwalker could u make the "map editing", sp feedback, "feature suggestions" threads permanent threads ? , that users could find these more easily

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#5: Re: server list

by SleepwalkR on 02/16/2002 16:03, refers to #4

Sure can, I'll ask Aardappel what he thinks.

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#7: Making a server

by papaer on 01/08/2012 13:35

Hey I have trouble making a server and I looked on the internet and couldn\'t find anything. So if someone knows reply back.

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#8: Re: Making a server

by Sub-Zero on 01/08/2012 17:00, refers to #7


also you could try youtube since there are videos on it.

or you could search google on how to set up a server.

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#9: Re: Making a server

by tempest on 01/09/2012 01:09, refers to #7

Usual story - forward the ports on your router.

Also, this is probably the most epic gravedig I've ever seen. Posting something completely unrelated on a thread that last saw activity almost exactly 10 years ago? Hell yeah.

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#10: Server creation

by kaoldfath on 01/31/2012 20:31

Could somebody please help me create a server for multiplayer because me and my friends want one and dont want anybody else on it

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#11: ..

by GoodOldJacob on 02/02/2012 11:51

This might help:


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