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"normalmap" edition released! (2006-07-22)

by Aardappel_ on 07/22/2006 23:56, 191 messages, last message: 09/11/2006 07:36, 207825 views, last view: 07/27/2024 03:14

As always, here are the new features, any feedback or bugs specific to this version in this thread, please.

* added support for "dot3 lightmap / radiosity lightmap" mode that works well with normalmaps & per pixel light, various shaders supporting bump/parallax mapping, glow/specmaps etc.
* added lots of normalmapped textures
* many new maps using normalmapping
* extended Fanatic's amazing soundtrack with 8 new tracks!
* added dbghelp.dll to the bin folder that win98 users need to rename...
* clearer color coding in the console: green: player talk, blue: "echo" command, yellow: gameplay messages, red: important errors, white: everything else
* added -z (z-buffer precision), -b (bits per pixel), -a (FSAA), and -f (shader precision) command-line settings (see config.html)
* added "trigger" command for opening/closing doors
* added entity selection by left mouse button.
* added entity copy and paste
* added entity undo / redo support
* added entity support to flip and rotate
* added editmove command
* added replaceents command
* made sure that textures of 'new cubes' are appropriate. Maps need to be remipped for this to fully work.
* added outline mode for showing geom boundaries (toggled by "outline" var)
* added -p (admin password) and -c (maxclients, default 4) command-line options for servers
* added setmaster command
* added voice announcer for certain gameplay events
* quad & boost powerups are now randomized in spawn times, but their spawn is announced 10 seconds before (so everyone will have to fight for it :)
* added showcharacterboundingbox var (useful when creating new models)
* increased rhino bounding box size

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#172: collisions bug

by Osbios on 08/26/2006 14:17

After walking over some hills I was sure that the collsion get some "features".
After some editin I found this:


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#173: Re: collisions bug

by shadow,516 on 08/26/2006 18:29, refers to #172

It's because you're using an ATi card.

Collision is designed for nVidia. Aard said he'd fix it... but I'm still waiting ;)

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#174: Re: Re: collisions bug

by Osbios on 08/26/2006 19:24

Thats right, its a cheap Radeon9200.

I didnt know that collision is already GPU stuff.

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#175: Re: Re: collisions bug

by shadow,516 on 08/26/2006 20:55, refers to #174

It's not. The CPU assumes you're using an nVidia chipset when it does the physics calculations.

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#176: ?

by Osbios on 08/26/2006 22:08

How do the used GPU-Chipset affect the CPU calculation?

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#177: Re: ?

by Gilt on 08/27/2006 00:14, refers to #176

it doesn't; the collision is fine, the bug is with the renderer.

you're just biased towards what you see, rather then what you feel. sign of the times I suppose.

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#178: shaders?

by whobob121 on 08/27/2006 05:47

Hey I get some sort of problem... when I load sauerbraten I get \"Warning: Non-Power of Two Textures Supported\" error and in the batch file it says: shaders not supported: no fancy visuals for you! I have a Radeon 9200SE Graphics Card and I want the shiny textures they have in the screenshots!! please.

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#179: Re: shaders?

by pushplay on 08/27/2006 19:45, refers to #178

It's new video card time.

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#180: collision bug

by ethan592 on 09/04/2006 22:03

i just noticed on 'wdcd' if you jump onto the point on the sides of the bridge, you get stuck on it and can only run in the direction of the bridge until you fall off the end of the point

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#181: Re: collision bug

by shadow,516 on 09/04/2006 23:42, refers to #180

we know. There are so many physics bugs, we've stopped fixing them :x

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#182: ..

by Passa on 09/06/2006 10:18

Severe bug..
I feel bad too, because I think I kicked someone about this..

F:\Program Files\Sauerbraten>bin\sauerbraten.exe -w1024 -h768
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: console
init: gl
Renderer: GeForce 7800 GT/PCI/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 2.0.1
Using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension.
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 assembly shader path.
Using GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension.
Using GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension.
init: world
init: sound
init: cfg
now rendering with: bloom
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages\base\metl4.ogz (0.2 seconds)
Mining Station by metlslime
♀2game mode is ffa/default
attempting to connect to
connected to server
read map packages\base\nmp9.ogz (0.1 seconds)

♀2game mode is ffa/default
connected: Black
connected: unnamed
♀2unnamed fragged Black
♀2Black fragged unnamed
mastermode is now 1
♀0Pa♀2ssa suggests instagib on map aard3c (select map to vote)
vote passed by master
read map packages\base\aard3c.ogz (0.2 seconds)

♀2game mode is instagib
♀2time remaining: 10 minutes
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2Black fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2unnamed fragged Black
♀2Black fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2Black fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2time remaining: 9 minutes
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2Black fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2time remaining: 8 minutes
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2time remaining: 7 minutes
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2time remaining: 6 minutes
♀2you got fragged by unnamed
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
connected: TheFrench
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2TheFrench fragged Black
♀2Black fragged TheFrench
♀2you got fragged by Black
♀2you fragged Black
♀2you got fragged by TheFrench
♀2you fragged unnamed
♀2TheFrench fragged Black
♀2Black fragged TheFrench
♀2you got fragged by TheFrench
♀2you got fragged by TheFrench
♀2TheFrench fragged unnamed

Allright, after TheFrench connected, it seems Black lost most of his points, and suddenly the score was like this:


I kicked someone about it before, only yesterday, also on my server, because after they connected, I seemingly lost around 20 points.. I thought they had used an exploit of some sort.. :/

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#183: Edgebleeding on textures

by makkE on 09/09/2006 12:23

I have a problem.
I noticed that edge pixels are bleeding on textures. Now this is usually not a problem, unless you try stuff like this:


It´s just a trim, with lights, but set up to be versatile. You can notice the white light bleeds into the not-light part and vice versa. (this is a simple version for demonstrating it clearly of course:)

Is there anything one can do about it, or is this a opengl-thing (or normal in any engine)?
I know this from models, but there you simply enlarge the texture regions by 1 pixels to fix it.

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#184: Re: Edgebleeding on textures

by Aardappel_ on 09/10/2006 19:24, refers to #183

thats normal.. a texture is one continuous surface in how its sampled if its not in clamped mode. We can't support specially clamped textures.

passa I have no idea what that is...

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#185: Insane rapidfire with grenade launcher!?

by wotwot on 09/10/2006 19:52

I was playing today and saw one guy who was repeatedly shooting insane rapidfire with grenadelauncher.. Is this a bug or some sort of exploit? Hes nick was blahsville or something, Im not telling he is a cheater, but I wanted to tell hes nick if someone has seen him doing this before.

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#186: Re: Insane rapidfire with grenade launcher!?

by real5 on 09/11/2006 00:32, refers to #185

Yes, today i saw this guy or someone else using the exploit too. His name was clocker.
Same behaviour like wotwot described.
I think his/her health was just around 100, because it was easy to kill him.
Furthermore he could fly like in coop.

Hope this leak will be fixed soon.


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#187: Re: Insane rapidfire with grenade launcher!?

by conor1 on 09/11/2006 01:32, refers to #185

btw, he isn't cheating, i did it to, but we removed the damage from the weapon :)

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#188: I believe that is a source mod/hack?

by Greywhind on 09/11/2006 01:51

I have seen the same thing, but it was on coopedit and the person using it wasn't being annoying about it, he was just playing around with the weapon values... he wasn't trying to cheat in a regular game, and nobody in coopedit is trying to "win," so we didn't mind. Plus, his grenades ADDED health. XD

He said that he changed a few things in weapons.h and recompiled... but I thought there was a guard against joining regular Sauer servers after recompiling the game? He must have found a way around it.

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#189: Re: I believe that is a source mod/hack?

by shadow,516 on 09/11/2006 03:21, refers to #188

There isnt a guard.
Sauer has absolutely no hack protection.

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#190: except

by c0rdawg on 09/11/2006 03:38

except masters...

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#191: Re: Insane rapidfire with grenade launcher!?

by Passa on 09/11/2006 07:36, refers to #187

Dont do it please, you are only discouraging fair play in the community.

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