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The Newbie's Guide to Sauerbraten

by Passa on 03/22/2006 13:10, 29 messages, last message: 07/10/2006 23:33, 24065 views, last view: 10/06/2024 03:53

The Newbie’s Guide to Sauerbraten

Hey all, this tutorial is for all you people who are not sure how to get Sauerbraten up, running and configured for your system. Yes you could read the docs, but these can be a bit daunting for newbies. So here is your step by step guide on how to configure Sauerbraten.

Download Sauerbraten (this is pretty obvious, head over to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=102911 to get the latest release.)

Installation on Windows will normally be via a setup exe. On Linux you just extract the tar.gz file onto your hard disk, but remember this tutorial is designed for Windows.

Once it is installed, go to Start > All Programs/Program Files (this name is dependent on your operating system) > Sauerbraten, then right click the Sauerbraten file you see there. Go to properties. You should see a window like this:


Hit the ‘Find Target…’ button. This will bring you to a window like this:


Right click the file named ‘sauerbraten’ and go to edit. Notepad will open and you will see something like this:

bin\sauerbraten.exe -w1024 –h768 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

Now you need to know your screen resolution. If you know it, substitute the –wXXX value for the width and –hXXX value for the height. If not, minimise all the windows onscreen, right click desktop and go to properties. Go to the ‘Settings’ tab. You should see the resolution in the area circled in the picture here:


The first number is your width, the other is your height. Enter this into the window. For example, from mine I would write:

bin\sauerbraten.exe -w1280 –h1024 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

If you know you have a low performance computer, add –f after the height, like this:

bin\sauerbraten.exe -w1280 –h1024 –f %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

If you still get low speeds at that width and height then try lower it, but do not go higher. For example, if in display properties it says 1024 x 768 but Sauerbraten runs slowly, then try this:

bin\sauerbraten.exe –w800 –h600 –f %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

The lower the numbers, the less amount of pixels your computer has to render.

Once that is sorted, you need to set up your router to forward ports 27865 and 27866 to play online, that is of course if you have a router in the first place. If you do not have a router, no worries! If you do, then you can either enable UPnP on your router or forward the ports. If you do not know how to do this then consult the manual for your router. In the meantime try to play online anyway, sometimes it does work without the need to configure anything.

Load up Sauerbraten through the menu. After about 10 seconds or so you should see a screen like this:


Now press the ~ key on your keyboard. It should make this:
> /_
appear in the bottom left of the screen.

Now type:
name “your player name”
And press enter. You can do this to change your player name. Remember, it is limited to 15 characters.

Now type:
team “your team name”
And press enter. This is your team name. Best to put this as red or blue unless you are in a clan. Remember, it is limited to 4 characters.

Congratulations! You have configured Sauerbraten!

Now to get used to the controls:
W – moves you forward
A – makes you strafe left
S – moves you back
D – makes you strafe right

Mouse looks around
Left mouse – fires current weapon
Right mouse/spacebar – jumps
Scrollwheel – scrolls through weapons

Muck around for a bit to get used to it.

Using the menu is the next step. Press ESC. You will now see a menu. Go to multiplayer by using the arrow keys to navigate the menu. Press enter. Now go to ‘update server list from master server’ and press enter. Wait a few seconds. If you did not configure your router properly, or you have no internet access, Sauerbraten will hang and freeze. However, if all goes well you will see something like this:


In my one, ‘different protocol’ means the servers are running a different version of Sauerbraten to me. You can connect to any of the other servers. The second column of numbers is how many players there are. Unfortunately in my screenshot there are none. But I will join a server anyway by pressing enter.


Now Sauerbraten has joined the server. It has loaded the current server map. Press TAB to see the scoreboard.


That is the scoreboard. (A) is how many frags you have scored by killing other players. (B) is the ping, the delay in communication between you and the server. This is largely affected by location. If the server is in Germany and you are in Australia, you are not going to get a very good ping. <100 Ping is great. 100 – 200 is average, pretty good, 200 – 300 is still ok, 300 – 400 you will start having problems. (C) is your team name, mostly useful for team games, and (D) is your player name.

Now to learn how to vote on gamemodes. Press ESC, go to ‘multiplayer’, then ‘vote on gamemode/map’. In there select the gamemode you would like to vote on then press enter. Then select the map to play that gamemode on. There must be at least 50% of votes from other players agreeing with you before your vote is passed.

Congratulations! You have mastered all the aspects of playing Sauerbraten! Have fun playing and see you on the servers!

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#10: ..

by FrenchMax on 03/25/2006 15:59

Hey, you use OpenGL, the graphics are better... how can i make that ?

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#11: ..

by FrenchMax on 03/25/2006 18:28

No no i've not say that
sorry, it's the new release :D

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#12: Re: ..

by boilover_atwork on 03/26/2006 01:55, refers to #11

ROFL what a SHIT tutorial, i could write better in 2 mins

look passa no one appreciates you on these forums

you contribute all this useless shit

who agrees with me? lets ban passa and frenchmax

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#13: ..

by pushplay on 03/26/2006 05:33

Don't worry about it passa, everyone sees the running theme in these posts.

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#14: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/26/2006 09:27, refers to #13

thnx pushplay
i think this guy should be banned.. this whole mod/virus thing was taking it too far..

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#15: Re: ..

by tentus on 03/26/2006 09:29, refers to #14

agreed. Aard, if you would please, before someone downloads his "mod" without realizing what they're getting in to...

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#16: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/26/2006 11:47, refers to #15

im thinking of downloading the mod in a virtual pc, cleaning it of viruses there, then seeing what the actual content of the mod is.

it would be intresting to see what the mod ~actually~ is.

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#17: weird...

by Passa on 03/29/2006 10:27

alot of the text has now got little question mark things like this

whats with that?

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#18: ..

by ScoobyDoo on 06/14/2006 16:28

Pentium 4 1.6 GHz
128MB Radeon 9600XT
128K Dual ISDN for online play

Passa, no offense, but where did you get these machine specs from?
Average? Grossly over stating Hardware specs is NOT good PR for CUBE or CUBE2.

Let\'s just hope no one takes this seriously...
Now if someone would post the real system requirements...

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#19: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/14/2006 23:21, refers to #18

It is average, if you want to run with shaders. That configurataion will get you 100FPS or so with shaders at a small resolution, and will be much slower with the new bloom effect (20-60FPS)

This is also based on RPG map performance, which is why the highest specification requirement is a GeForce 6800.

I woulden't recommend anything slower than a Radeon 9250 for actually playing Sauerbraten. Anything less would be mapping only.

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#20: ..

by makkE on 06/15/2006 01:35

Well, people tend to have diffrent views on "plays fine".

Some believe the industry who still try to push the "30fps is fluid" proposal, serious gamers rather shoot for at least 100 fps or so.. the more the better.

To me, 85 fps is where a game becomes playable. Though I have played games around 50fps back then (UrT, wich seriously sucked in terms of fps :P), I really only start to enjoy a game wich runs either the refresh rate of my monitor stably (85 or 100) or 170 or 200 (the double).

Though I run q3 capped at 125 for obvious reasons.. some q3 players even hack their monitors to run a 125 refresh rate..

Well enough of that, I think passa´s values aren´t really what ppl would call "minimal" but they are what I´d start calling "enjoyable".

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#21: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 06/15/2006 06:13, refers to #18

I must say passa's specs are rather dead on. Yes, it differs wether your idea of playing sauer is map aard3 with no shaders 640 res at >20 fps, or wether you feel you need >60 fps on k_rpg1 with shaders, bloom at 1600 res. On average, 1024 res, shaders, no bloom, 60 ish fps that seems about right. And it will go up constantly as mappers push the engine, and I add silly features :)

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#22: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/15/2006 17:43

"who agrees with me? lets ban passa and frenchmax"

My name isn"t anymore FrenchMax ;)

Hmm. "85 fps = just become playable"

Are you meaning you can't watch the tv cause the tv standard is 25 FPS ? :P
No, i'm doing bads jokings, i know.

For me, 30 fps is ever good. 60 fps is awesome, and the 150 fps of Aardappel's screenshots are paradise :D

Aardappel, i can't active Bloom effects :'( cause i don't have some GL_ARB things or other : "non-power of two textures not supported !"

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#23: Some Mac specs

by rpointon on 06/15/2006 18:47

2x2.3Ghz G5
2Gb ram
128MB ATI 9600
> map metslime - 1024x768, shaders, no bloom = 120fps, with bloom = 30fps

Note: It only uses 30-40% of a CPU because it's waiting on the graphics card!

2x2Ghz G5
1.5Gb ram
256Mb ATI x800
> map metslime - 1024x768, shaders, with bloom = 160fps

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#24: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/15/2006 22:52, refers to #22

"30 fps is ever good"

I sometimes play CS:Source on my pc, I'm really bad at it and find it stupid but I still play occasionally. I get extremerly frustrated when it drops to 40 FPS in firefights. Same for BF2, it drops to like 40 FPS when people are using artillery and its 64 people on a 32 player map (stupid gamearena, they change everything.)

But gaming for me (and Sauerbraten for some reason) was always funner to play on my old Pentium III 733MHz.. UT2003, 640x480, lowest detail, me pwning n00bs.. *sigh*

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#25: Re: 64Bit

by SkAzZ on 07/08/2006 08:36, refers to #24

Iv got a 64Bit machine
64bit AMD x3200
Abit motherbord AX8
1.5GB of ram (another 512mb corsair dosent work
ATI Radeon X800 GTO sapphire pci express ver. (Fireblade Special edition) 256mb

I have 200 constant during play and when i rise it i get 500 constont but i am always struck with crashes that i have to manuly restart my computer.. i have activity in the backround and have managed to shut it down with only the game screen frozen but it then just stops.

Is their a particular problem with 64Bit? or chould it be my fps.. i whould realy like to know.


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#26: ..

by SkAzZ on 07/08/2006 08:37

arrgh wong tab! soz!

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#27: ..

by Greywhind on 07/09/2006 02:33

I have a mac with:

1.83 ghz
512 mb ram
128 mb ATI X1600
1400x900 resolution, i get about as good performance as the above Mac specs (although I haven't tried bloom).

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#28: editiing

by BALDEEP on 07/10/2006 23:16

how do i edit it says go to edit mode but i dont know how!!!

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#29: Re: editiing

by MeatROme on 07/10/2006 23:33, refers to #28

RTFM! (seriously - read the fine manual)
press E to edittoggle
or enter
into your chat console
the leading "/" determines it should be executed as a command.
RTFM for all commands you'll ever want to use ... ;-)

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