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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Bioniclekolacz on 07/11/2015 21:19, 3 messages, last message: 07/18/2015 15:57, 1388 views, last view: 04/08/2024 18:35

I have uninstalled and re installed many times. also using different installers and different versions of saurbraten but every single time the screen size is so huge that only 1/4 of it shows on my screen, I cannot reach my mouse over to the windows sizing tool because it doesnt let me move my mouse outside of the window. The settings/options button is not on my screen.

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#1: ..

by Papriko on 07/12/2015 00:51

Localize where sauerbraten saves your personal files. For windows, it should be user files or appdata, for linux it is ~/.sauerbraten and for mac.... I don't fucking know.
Anyways, inside the folder you should see a file called "init.cfg". Open it with a simple text editor. We're talking notepad, preferably not Word.
It will tell you to "DO NOT MODIFY". Screw that. There will be 2 lines, one saying scr_w and the other saying scr_h. Set scr_w to the width of your screen, scr_h to the height of your screen.
Save and start the game. It should be fine now.

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#2: ..

by raz on 07/18/2015 11:47

open the game, type '/fullscreen 1' in the blind, go to options, fix your resolution.

otherwise, type '/screenw #' and '/screenh #' where the # stand for the width and height of your monitor in pixels respectively.

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#3: Re: ..

by hypernova^ on 07/18/2015 15:57, refers to #2

You could also add screenres x y to your autoexec.cfg.

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