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American? BETTER Watch What YOU Post on These Sites

by .............................................. on 04/13/2015 11:31, 0 messages, last message: 04/13/2015 11:37, 174 views, last view: 03/24/2024 10:46

If you're in America, you've probably heard about the mass government spying being conducted since late 90's.

What you probably don't know, is once you post elements criticizing the government frequently, you're posts will be picked up by an automated (AI) scanner, which will inform human personal about your posts. The FBI will then start an investigation against you (and creating your profile).

If you post too frequently on the internet, they will come and get pictures of your house, your vehicles/license plate numbers, they will attempt to hack into your pc in order to browse your files and to activate your microphone/webcam (they need a face picture to put on that profile of yours).

They will also attempt to use electronic harassment against you. They can increase/decrease (in this case, increasing) the harmful effects of cell phone towers, wifi, radiation emitted by "smart meters", etc, on any person they choose.

Finally, if you post all the time and expose some real "key points" about the government, you can expect several things they may conduct against you, first of all...

1. If you're considered "too big" of a threat, the CIA will conduct an assassination on you.

2. FBI agents may come to your home for "questioning" (if you let these people into your homes, and close the door, the "questioning" will turn into harassment/threats/tormenting you).

3. The secret service (or the department of homeland security) will come to your property in order to "black bag" you. Yes, the USA government WILL round you up just like they do in NK or China. If you are rounded up by USA government, there are numerous possibilities to expect.

Also, another thing you should keep in mind...

The USA government has paid trolls/shills on the internet. Members of the CIA post frequently on internet forums and news comment sections to spread USA government propaganda.

And, if you try to request your FBI profile via the "Freedom of information act", they will continue the investigation towards you (assuming they did already conduct an investigation on you and created a profile on you).

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