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by .............................................. on 04/13/2015 11:20, 0 messages, last message: 04/13/2015 11:20, 215 views, last view: 03/16/2024 11:28

I know you don't want to believe this, you might call me a "conspiracy theorist"or use some other excuse in order to not believe this.

People who questioned,criticized, disliked the soviet union, communist China, North Korea, etc... were deemed "insane" and they were locked into mental institutions ("loony bins").

Horrible political regimes such as the nazis, communists, etc... were in power because THE PEOPLE OF THOSE COUNTRIES ALLOWED IT. They denied the truth, so what did they get? Fascism, communism and socialism which led to over 250 MILLION people MURDERED by THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS in the 1900's alone.

Look at the facts...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3jgJPAf2FE <---- A BBC broadcast from 9/11/2001 which announced the attack on the world trade center... OVER 20 MINUTES BEFORE THE ATTACKS HAPPENED!

http://worldtruth.tv/uk-man-wins-court-victory-over-bbc-for-911-coverup-broadcast/ A man won a lawsuit in the U.K. against the BBC for that broadcast, the American media remains silent on this.


Several people made many billions of dollars off the 9/11 attacks.

Tens of thousands of freedoms Americans had were stripped away via the 'patriot act' along with other bills and executive orders passed.

Governments have always used false flag operations in order to gain more power over their people, justify an invasion of other countries and to generate huge profits.

Just like with Nazi Germany, Hitler burned the Reichstag down and blamed it on communists in order to turn Germany into an absolute dictatorship. Stalin in the soviet union conducted numerous false flag operations in an attempt to strip his citizens of freedoms and to justify going to war with other countries.

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