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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Blender MD5 importer/exporter

by Galante on 05/19/2014 23:38, 4 messages, last message: 05/21/2014 22:52, 3704 views, last view: 03/17/2024 22:22

Hi all :)

I have a question regarding the MD5 importer/exporter found on the cube wiki (as I remember) provided by geartrooper.
I downloaded it and put it inside the blender scripts folder.. but blender (it's the 2.69 version) pratically ignores it. Is the MD5 importer/exporter provided by geartrooper no more compatible with newer versions of blender?
I think it should be updated or something like that.
If you could help me (maybe other users have this trouble, too, who knows, so I'll say "help us") I (we) would be very grateful.


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#1: ..

by Pyccna on 05/20/2014 00:01

The Blender MD5 Import/Export only works with Blender 2.4 & older. Unfortunately, those versions are no longer supported & there is no current (that I know of) MD5 Importer/Exporter that works with Blender 2.6+ as Quake (MD-Model Source) is now pretty much a cult-game only played by oldschoolers & low-budget videogame companies.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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#2: ..

by Galante on 05/20/2014 15:57

Thanks, that was very clear.
Is there any other way to import/export models in sauerbraten? If yes, I would appreciate if you would post a link or something..
Thanks in advance.


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#3: ..

by eihrul on 05/20/2014 17:19


Look there for updated MD5 exporters for newer versions of Blender.

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#4: ..

by Galante on 05/21/2014 22:52

Very useful link.
Thank you again, eihrul.

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