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New Release! Sauerbraten: Collect Edition

by Speculant on 01/05/2013 10:03, 19 messages, last message: 01/07/2013 23:31, 4430 views, last view: 07/24/2024 02:51

First impressions, anyone?

I'm currently downloading it, I will comment when I get it all installed and such.

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#1: hi

by Misterwright on 01/05/2013 11:34

do you know if theres a changelog?
i want to know all the changes :D i only know that new maps came

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#2: ..

by Q009 on 01/05/2013 12:19


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#3: ..

by Misterwright on 01/05/2013 12:29

thanks q009
The new weapons sounds are really cool :D

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#4: ..

by Papriko on 01/05/2013 13:29

* "shortened game times to 10 minutes in all team modes"

Boo. Sometimes I played teaminsta on purpose, even when it was just 1 on 1 simply because we had more time then.

* "added "guispring" for creating springs inside a list"

What's meant with a spring?

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#5: --

by Phazonmadness on 01/05/2013 16:37

Odd. Motion Blur causes flickering in this version

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#6: ..

by kripken2 on 01/05/2013 19:15

Hooray! Congrats to all on the release!

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#7: Re: ..New Version

by jAZZbASS on 01/05/2013 19:49, refers to #6

I d/l a version for my mac and pc... today what I see looks great well done everybody. However I have one issue that on my mac there appear to be a number of maps missing like kopenhagen etc, have done the d/l twice, all on the pc is ok but the mac appears incomplete

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#8: Re: ..New Version

by jAZZbASS on 01/05/2013 22:25, refers to #7

I managed to sort this by transferring the packages folder d/l with the pc version to the mac, all seems to work now

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#9: Re:.. New Version

by TheBeanHammer on 01/06/2013 04:30

I had just downloaded it, and even though it runs smoothly, there are some peeves I have about it.

Although I like the sound effects themselves, they seem too quiet, even when the sfx are turned all the way up and I turn the music down, I have trouble hearing the firing noises for all weapons. Plus, I can't hear the clicking of the bolt on the rifle when fired like I can in the previous release. Was it not added in this version?

Also, DID NO ONE TEST THE CAMPAIGN MODE? I started An Army of one and on the first map, I spawned about a mile away from where the level was, and died, and it kept repeating.

On top of all that, the NOOBLOUNGE servers don't even show up in the server list anymore. Those are one of the few that I can find players on when I'm looking for a game to join.

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#10: ..

by Speculant on 01/06/2013 05:58

All campaigns work fine for me! The only thing I don't like about this version is that tesseract hasn't been merged yet.

Other than that, no errors! 100% stable.

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#11: Re: ..

by Q009 on 01/06/2013 06:15, refers to #10

Tesseract isn't going to be merged with Sauerbraten at all.

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#12: Re: Re:.. New Version

by megalo on 01/06/2013 07:39, refers to #9

1. The bolt click is there... I don't know why you're having difficulty hearing it. The weapons are fine for me.

2. The campaigns work fine as well. On a sidenote, who cares about campaigns?

3. Nooblounge isn't playable on Collect yet because the owner of the server hasn't manually made it compatible with the new version. It's still playable on Justice edition. However, until the owner changes it up, it can't be played from two different games at one time.

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#13: Re: Re:.. New Version

by Papriko on 01/06/2013 13:05, refers to #9

Also, why should they've tested the campaign in this specific version? Do you have an idea how OLD Army Of One is?

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#14: Re: ..

by Speculant on 01/06/2013 16:10, refers to #11

That's disappointing news, although saying that it will never be merged at all is sort of a stretch.

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#15: Re: ..

by Q009 on 01/06/2013 16:26, refers to #14

Not a stretch but a fact, merging Tesseract with Sauerbraten would mean breaking ALL the "compatibility" with old hardware and that's exactly what developers don't want.

If you hanged around these forums more often you'd know the dev is working on other game, kind of Sauer-lite based on Tesseract.

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#16: Re: Re:.. New Version

by TheBeanHammer on 01/07/2013 04:56, refers to #13

Yes, but I still like to play it occasionally.

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#17: Re:.. New Version

by TheBeanHammer on 01/07/2013 05:17

Tested it again today, and the campaign works fine. I guess something was buggy in my PC that day. The bolt click is there, but it sounds quiet and soft, as though it was made of plastic. All in all it's a decent version. I approve.

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#18: ..

by Mr.Blister on 01/07/2013 19:44

Looks good, plays great. Only issue is there is a small delay when I shoot any weapon. Can't seem to hit much anymore.....

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#19: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/07/2013 23:31, refers to #18

Check your connection rate?

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