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What Hitler Did Good And Why I believe the Holocaust Was “Fa

by 卐 F6Zman 卐 on 11/28/2012 16:03, 2 messages, last message: 11/28/2012 16:43, 881 views, last view: 04/28/2024 12:47, closed on 11/28/2012 16:59

In the Title I put “Fake”, When I said “Fake” I meant the Holocaust not being what they say it was.

Here is what Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did good:

He brought Germany out of the Great Depression and turned it into one of the Wealthiest nations on Earth.

He unified the German people and helped them regain their sense of pride.

He built lots of railways and dams that needed to be built.

He was an Environmentalist (he protected the Environment).

He was a German Nationalist, he opposed Multiculturalism (Multiculturalism Never Works in Society).

He Detained the Freemasons and Members of Other Secret Societies.

The Nazis were Against Abortion and Atheism.

The Nazis Opposed Homosexuality.

The Nazis Halted the Rise of Communism in Europe.

If it weren’t for the National Socialists (Nazis), we would not have rocket engines, we would have never been to the Moon, and we would not have computers. (PROJECT PAPERCLIP)

I don’t believe 6 Million Jews died in the Holocaust Considering I have done research and a lot of these pictures of the “Holocaust” are the same pictures of Soldiers in the Soviet Union killing people. Do you really think they had the Economic resources to round up 6 Million Jews, Kill 6 Million Jews (Not Counting the Non-Jews) and Bury there Bodies and Ashes? Wouldn’t there be tons of mass graves all over Germany? There are no Images of Jews being Gassed nor is there any Evidence of Gas Chambers in being in the Concentration Camps. And Notice how the Bodies of Jews you see in Images being put into Graves looked like they were Starved to Death, Not Gassed?

Now look at what the Jews have Done:

Jews try to Fake their own Hate Crimes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyUQjaz2sb0

The Jews created Communism which killed over 150,000,000 People (Karl Marx, Lenin and Stalin were Jewish and Mao Zedong took Communist Ideologies from Lenin and Karl Marx).

The Jews created the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt was Jewish (so basically, the Jews are Responsible for everything the Illuminati has done, 9/11, Fukushima Meltdown, New World Order attempts, Many Other Things).

The Jews are trying to destroy the White and the Asian Races. They are encouraging Feminism, Racial Mixing and Multiculturalism. The Zionists/Illuminati are Responsible for the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. If a Major Event Happens on a Date which Involves 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 or 33 Than it’s Most Likely going to be a False-Flag Event.

Planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 and then 9 Years later there was a Nuclear Meltdown in Japan on 3/11/2011.

They are trying to depopulate the Planet, they want one Racially Mixed, Feminine race.

Jews have been speaking out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB688sSjwPs&feature=plcp

It’s Illegal to Question the Holocaust in Germany and a Few other European Countries (That should be Proof the Jews Run and Control everything).

The Victors Write History, They made a Good Leader look Evil.

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#1: ..

by TheLove on 11/28/2012 16:14

i agree with 9/11, everything else, bullshit

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#2: ..

by Papriko on 11/28/2012 16:43

And don't forget that we Germans get yelled at wherever we go to, because "we're all fucking nazis".

Multiculturalism is going to happen either ways. Ever heard about entropy? Works with pretty much anything, including society.

Abortions keep causing discussions all the time.
Atheism... What's wrong about it? When I don't wanna believe in an old man sitting on some cloud is that my thing.

Homosexuality: I don't wanna have to do with it personally, but shall they do it if they want. If it makes em happy...

For getting rid of the jews: many of the jews were used in a slavish manner. I bet they had some over who could do that work.

From this point it begins to morph from bullshit into conspiracy-bullshit.

I agree that communism is hard to realize, but none of the states you listed actually did that. It was some tyranny which has been declared as communism.

The jews creating illuminati, lol.

"The Jews are trying to destroy the White and the Asian Races." Here you make exactly the same mistake as the small fat austrian you mentioned in your post. If they tried to destroy races, it'd imply that Jews were a race themselves. They are not a race, they are a religion. Anyone can become a jew or stop being one if he or she wants to.

The illuminaty-use-certain-dates-for-their-terrorism theory is classic conspiracy shit.

And it is technically not illegal. People will just think you are a bit fucked up in your mind, as you just showed here.

To sum it up: you are already at the right path, but you still need to learn a lot. You chose a good topic, but then went too direct. This caused it to seem unrealistic, silly and just plain stupid. Your troll post gets a solid 4/10 from me.

BTW: the answer to this post's spam protection is 42. Is the universe trying to give me a hint? Y'know, 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.

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