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Workaround for memory leaks on Windows 7/Vista + ATI Radeon

by eihrul on 02/08/2010 08:15, 8 messages, last message: 07/21/2010 22:35, 2702 views, last view: 09/13/2024 01:02

After investigation, I found the cause of the leaks that cause Sauerbraten to just use up memory and crash if you are using an ATI GPU on Windows 7. Roughly, any and all drawing of lines causes it to leak memory; it boggles the mind.

To workaround the problem, please copy the following file over the "stdshader.cfg" file in the "data" directory that is inside your Sauerbraten install directory:

As far as I can see, this works around the issue for me, and hopefully, it should for you guys too.

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#1: ..

by Quin on 02/08/2010 12:47

~tipjar eihrul #sauerbraten

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#2: your awesome

by foota on 02/09/2010 06:59

Thank you very much!!

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#3: ..

by kripken on 02/09/2010 08:38

Unless I am mistaken, this file differs from the latest stdshader.cfg in sauerbraten's svn. Should only people that suffer from the problem use this version?

- kripken

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#4: Re: ..

by eihrul on 02/09/2010 09:03, refers to #3

Only if you are experiencing the problem

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#5: Re: ..

by kripken on 02/09/2010 18:11, refers to #4

Ok, thanks.

- kripken

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#6: not tech savvy

by insane436 on 07/21/2010 22:33

im not very tech savvy, so when you say to "copy the following file over the "stdshader.cfg" file in the "data" directory that is inside your Sauerbraten install directory:" i have no idea what you mean or how to do it. if you could explain it a little more to me, that would be great.

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#7: Re: not tech savvy

by eihrul on 07/21/2010 22:34, refers to #6

Just use Justice edition instead and there is no need to do it.

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#8: ..

by insane436 on 07/21/2010 22:35


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