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NYC map - WIP

by Red on 12/22/2007 22:18, 146 messages, last message: 06/26/2014 21:06, 107163 views, last view: 07/27/2024 04:45

Hi! I decided to create a new thread about my map - NYC - I'm still working on. This map will probably be the largest map ever made for Sauerbraten. I will post new screenshots here. Feel free to comment.

1. http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nyc01ut8.jpg
2. http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nyc02ph7.jpg
3. http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nyc03ox6.jpg
4. http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nyc04ck3.jpg

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#127: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 04/19/2009 12:07

Way too high

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#128: ..

by airplanefood on 05/12/2009 22:18

Wow. Just wow. That is wonderful, keep up the great work and please post a link when you're done!

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#129: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/13/2009 20:32

This map is just like Duke Nukem Forever

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#130: scroll up and read k thx

by unstablemind on 05/14/2009 05:45

by ZOMGACCOUNT on 04/09/2009 06:36 through

I sent him a mail asking if it was dead here is the reply



The project is currently halted, but I'll continue working on it when the new version of Sauerbraten is released.


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#131: Message censored by administrator

by Fischkopf on 05/16/2009 17:31

#132: ..

by iFlag on 05/16/2009 20:34

This map is a work of art, but its most likely to big to be playable, am i right?

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#133: ..

by Osbios on 05/16/2009 23:17

@iFlag: Yes I think you are right. I guess most Computers won't handle the map well, if they even can handle the map at all.
And even with good equipment you have to search for every single enemy.

... expect there would be a 256 player server.

I also experienced some engine-limits by mapping on a ... somehow bigger map.

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#134: ..

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/17/2009 02:38

This sort of map never gets played online. Look at maps like Yop, or WildWest, they were brilliant, yet they were just to big. Its going to take a newer computer just to be able to explore this map on your own.

That said, I'm really looking forward to it, once I get a new computer this year that is

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#135: ..

by unstablemind on 05/17/2009 03:03

I am looking at the layout of the map and it seems to have plenty of vis-blocking

I really don't thing this is going to be "that" slow unless your have crappy intel Igpu

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#136: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 05/17/2009 03:58, refers to #135

Especially given the LOD on those buildings (low), it should actually run pretty well. PVS should also help a bit.

For example, on the screenshot of what I assume are the Twin Towers, I count 48 tris visible per tower at once (though it's probably more like double that given they're probably subdivided).

Though I'm none too hopeful this map will ever get finished...

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#137: ..

by Osbios on 05/17/2009 14:56

The VIS in cube2 is based on occlusion culling on VBO blocks, and therefor can be very powerful in indoor maps, but not so good in outdoor maps.

If you for example imagine a big skyscraper with a low detail wall on the outside and very much detail in the inside and no windows to look in it from the outside.
In this constellation the low detail wall on the outside will most likely be in the same VBO as many high detail parts from the inside.
If you look at the wall from the outside the whole VBO will be drawen. That includes many details you cant see from the outside.

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#138: ..

by mx on 06/28/2009 10:28

Red, are you still working on your map?

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#139: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/28/2009 15:57, refers to #138

His last post was on 12/28/2008, exactly 6 months before your post. It seems extremely unlikely.

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#140: ..

by unnaemd on 11/06/2011 14:42


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#141: Fact or fake?!

by Zamwa on 11/07/2011 18:38

From what I see, I've determined it to be a hoax!!!

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#142: ..

by aiueo on 11/18/2012 17:17

Red, please come back!

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#143: ..

by Minty on 12/04/2012 17:16

JESUS that looks gargantuan!

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#144: ..

by SanHolo on 01/31/2013 03:52

Red, come back!

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#145: ..

by aiueo on 06/09/2014 06:50

Hello from 2014.
Still waiting for the map.

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#146: mapping on a slow PC?

by an ex-player on 06/26/2014 21:06

He's probably still computing the lightmaps? :D

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