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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

QuamageMod - dead or alive...

by Q009 on 10/26/2007 15:06, 8 messages, last message: 10/27/2007 12:47, 3110 views, last view: 04/25/2024 17:50

I thing yesterday about old QuamageMod project... (See: quadropolis.us)

But i need help:
-good c++ programer
-weapon models maker (maybe Marvin2k)
-and texture maker (for hud)

Who can help me pleae contact:



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#1: aa

by ATIRULE on 10/26/2007 19:48

u may what to read this

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#2: ..

by Q009 on 10/26/2007 19:53

I did read this... Thants! ^_^

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#3: ..

by Q009 on 10/26/2007 19:54

I wrote:

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#4: ..

by Drakas__ on 10/26/2007 21:31

No comment...

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#5: ..

by Q009 on 10/26/2007 22:19

Yeah i known its noobish... But i dont known g... Ehh.. xO

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#6: um?

by demosthenes on 10/26/2007 23:55

I still don't understand what you're going to do, and therefore why anyone should join. You're not coding, making art, making models...

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#7: Re: um?

by Passa on 10/27/2007 02:34, refers to #6

He quite obviously didn't read the 'how not to start a mod thread'..

I'm not quite sure I understand what this Quaddammage mod is, I mean you haven't explained what makes it different etc, or you haven't made it clear you intend to port the old Cube Quad mod to Sauerbraten?..


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#8: ..

by Q009 on 10/27/2007 12:47

I'm coding! I'm while learning the C++ code... But now i known only how to make new weapons, entities, hacks for Sauerbraten and make Calculator! xD

BTW: QuamageMod not QuaddamageMod! I dont known why named this like that...

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