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Brainstorm: Game Modes

by Quin on 08/30/2007 05:20, 188 messages, last message: 12/17/2007 01:10, 135864 views, last view: 05/19/2024 00:02

As fun as Sauerbraten is to play online, it gets a bit tedious after a while, the problem being that the number of unique and playable game modes are limited.

Some of the reason behind CTF being opposed is that it is far too common in FPS games these days. What we need is something fresh, new, and unique in some way.

So.. Any ideas for new game modes? What kind of game would you play? Maybe you've got some awesome game mode idea that you haven't voiced, or a killer idea that would work if only it had something else?

This is where it is up to *us* to come up with something *new*, that will make our online fragging that much more varied and enjoyable. Let's all bash out some ideas and come up with something that is both suitable, and have half a chance of actually getting added to Sauerbraten.

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#96: ..

by GreyMario on 10/24/2007 01:29

How about Race mode?

Also, fix the frikken' respawnpoints so they WORK in multiplayer

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#97: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 10/24/2007 04:30

adrenaline mode

as the frequency of your kills increases, the speed at which you move increases

if your kill rate drops below the frequency needed for adrenaline your movement returns to normal

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#98: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 10/24/2007 04:45, refers to #97

that sounds really awesome

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#99: ..

by DarkBlood on 10/24/2007 14:10, refers to #98

Ok here i go with 2 survival modes:

- Manhunt
all players but one are on the same team and hunting down the renegade who is himself fully loaded (100% shield at start & infinite ammo for his machine gun). The others have pistols only, there would be no available items, plus they don\'t respawn of course. This way he could have a chance to survive. A counter could be added to measure his survival time. Then another player is automatically chosen to play the hunted. When all players have played the hunted, the winner is the one who stayed alive the longest (or who survived if any). Of course better be played with at least 6/8 players.

- Dawn of the Dead
all players but one are \'zombies\' armed with knives only (one single touch by a zombie and the poor human is dead), and moving much slower than usual. The \'human\' is placed in the center of the map and cannot run (he can turn around though), he\'s got the sniper + infinite bullets. The zombies are slowly heading to him and he starts \'headshooting\'. A headshot sends the living dead in the limbo for say 20sec, then they reappear in the respawn area. However if the human misses the head the zombie then is pseudo-dead (meaning the human don\'t see him anymore, but the player who plays the zombie still watch the scene, and can respawn on location whenever he wants by pressing the mouse button). After 5 minutes the round is over and another player is automaticaly to incarnate the human.

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#100: ..

by JadeMatrix on 10/28/2007 02:50

How about a mode (it can be capture, insta, whatever) where each player chooses a 'class' to be, say ogro, ironsnout, and some new ones, where each class has something different: +/- speed, health, damage, etc. Adds more tactics to a regular game.

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#101: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/28/2007 03:40, refers to #100

You mean something sorta like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory? Where there are classes such as engineers, soldiers, medics, etc?

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#102: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 10/28/2007 11:51, refers to #101

Not really that defined. More like choose-a-species than 'class'; I just couldn't think of a better word at the time.

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#103: ..

by SanHolo on 10/28/2007 12:37

More like Alien vs. Predator, then, maybe a bit less extreme.

I'd be Baul.

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#104: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 10/28/2007 15:11, refers to #103

The species would have to be balanced, though: higher speed for less damage, higher player glow for faster + more damage, etc.

Probably not Bauul.

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#105: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 10/30/2007 07:05

lesee... while reading OCTA_TODO.txt i thought of this.

How about a CTF mode where there is

* only 1 flag
* flag is carried by capturer
* the person with the flag gets a projectile weapon which when fired acts as a temporary sedative for the person hit, slowing down their gameplay, slurring sound and affecting coordination.
* no rockets

for each n seconds you hold the flag, you gain a point.

the player responsible for killing the person with the flag then receives the flag.

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#106: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 10/30/2007 23:22, refers to #105

Sounds like fun. =D

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#107: ..

by geartrooper2 on 11/01/2007 06:01

people with mental disorders will be lining up to play.

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#108: ..

by pokezpf;ezrmgp,trlesk,cvf² on 11/01/2007 20:25

Sauer needs a CTF mode and a attack/defense mode !

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#109: Re: ..

by Drakas__ on 11/01/2007 23:15, refers to #108

"needs" <-- WTF?

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#110: Re: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [using safari for windoze!] on 11/02/2007 00:35, refers to #105

"How about a CTF mode where there is "

"* only 1 flag"
1 flag CTF is a good game mode and it has more skill required then 2 Flag because you have one team defending the capturer and one team attacking. Kind of like attack/defense but you are defending/attacking the flag carrier.
"* flag is carried by capturer"
"* the person with the flag gets a projectile weapon which when fired acts as a temporary sedative for the person hit, slowing down their gameplay, slurring sound and affecting coordination."
Personally i disagree with this because all you need is a chaingun and shoot everything that moves, making it so everyone is horribly drunk and falling over each other while you make a clean run to the base. While it being funny to watch, its just not a good gameplay addition. Also it would be a bitch to implement.
"* no rockets"

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#111: ..

by Ganandar on 11/02/2007 01:30

that sounds cool.

maybe there could be a mode like "team survival", where each team starts at their base. they can pickup whatever they want. each time someone dies, they won't respawn until someone on their team kills an enemy. that way there's this ongoing stuggle to see who will win.
anything along those lines would be sweet!

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#112: Re: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/02/2007 12:27, refers to #110

why would they have chaingun? I didn\'t say that. Obviously the rate of fire for the weapon would be a balanced with the described projectile.

I think rockets would be a bit unbalanced.

I think it\'s better for the flag to be held by the capturer, so they they are constantly on the move and being chased. This leads to defensive playing and offensive if you encounter people head on.

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#113: Re: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [using safari for windoze!] on 11/02/2007 17:17, refers to #112

oh, nvm. I thought you said that a projectile weapon causes disorientation, so i just thought the chaingun.

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#114: ..

by yvfc_ebpxf on 11/03/2007 14:37

yes, if i wasn\'t clear, i what i meant was that the weapon the capturer has can cause disorientation to the person they hit.

anyone remember the mushrooms from rise of the triad? something like that maybe :P

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#115: Re: Jetpack

by CC_machine-[Ubuntu7.10] on 11/03/2007 19:24, refers to #95

the EDM mod did have jetpacks, more or less dead now though :(

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