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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Game doesn't draws all stuff

by voldemar on 09/12/2006 20:54, 4 messages, last message: 09/15/2006 22:02, 2406 views, last view: 09/19/2024 14:12

Both stable and cvs versions. look here: http://img60.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot79935kp9.png

What im doing wrong?

Also, what i don't have if i see thousands of /usr/include/GL/gl.h ?

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#1: sorry...

by voldemar on 09/12/2006 21:11

>Also, what i don't have if i see thousands of /usr/include/GL/gl.h

i mean when compiling

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#2: Re: visuals & compiling

by MeatROme on 09/12/2006 21:27, refers to #1

read what it says on the screen (or your console too for that matter) ...
your card just doesn't cut it.

I doubt if a driver update will help though - assuming you've been running your system succesfully apart from sauerbraten.
But praxibetel is right - give us more specs and we might give more helpful responses.

@compiling : this is a bad time to ask such a question. Too many ppl. are displaying bad judgement with the freedom to toy with the source.
But try and install a few (appropriate) *-dev packages onto your system, they'll include the required header files (*.h).

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#3: Re: repost of question

by CrazyTB on 09/14/2006 22:06, refers to #3

C:\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc-lib\mingw32\3.2.3\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lGL
make: *** [client] Error 1

Yes. On Windows, AFAIK, the libraries are -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32

I can't help more than this, I don't have Windows.

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#4: ..

by voldemar on 09/15/2006 22:02

Then why it worked some nights before?
I have nVidia GeForce 4 MX440 SE (with no shaders etc.) and P4 2,4GhZ

I installed gentoo some hours ago, tomorrow maybe i will try to run sauer there

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