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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Which ports to open to play through a firewall ???

by NonoFromParis on 10/30/2004 11:18, 11 messages, last message: 03/23/2005 16:46, 3292 views, last view: 09/28/2024 20:35

Hello guys

I wander which ports to open (and which protocol) so i can play this GREAT game through my firewall (look'n'stop).

Thanks for your help

Nono From Paris

PS : thanks for your game it's really great

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#1: RTFM

by D.plomat on 10/30/2004 13:14

UDP 28765 and 28766 if you want to host a server.

If you just want to play on an existing external server, most NAT firewalls will accept packets from the server without any configuration, because your PC first sends packets to the server on those ports.

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#2: Re: RTFM

by NonoFromParis on 10/30/2004 21:45, refers to #1

Thank you for your answer.

I have a software firewall, so no NAT but the need to open manually each port.

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#3: Re: RTFM

by D.plomat on 10/31/2004 00:48, refers to #2

nonofromparis: français?

Pour les firewalls logiciels sous windows, il y a souvent un mode qui permet de demander autoriser/refuser dès qu'une connection se met en place. Dans ce cas il suffit de répondre oui pour les ports cités.

(For software firewalls, there is often a mode that makes it ask if you want to refuse or accept whenever a connection is done. In this case, you just have to answer accept to those ports.)

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#4: Re: RTFM

by tegula on 11/14/2004 21:41, refers to #3

And what i put for the puplik port at the router? (from...to)

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#5: Re: RTFM

by jean pierre on 11/15/2004 14:34

Correction = Public.

Bad = Puplik.

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#6: cutting and pasting between maps

by King_Ghidora on 03/04/2005 20:32

Is it possible to copy something on one map and paste it to another? Also, is it possible to completely level an area in a map and reset it completely to the default with one command? Also, how come the dude in Cube wears a bikini?

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#7: ..

by makkE on 03/05/2005 01:02

yes you can copy and paste between maps.
copy the cubes you want, load up the other map and press v...
nope you can´t reset stuff ( i assume you meant revert all changes done to an area)
but of course you could paste the empty area from an empty map to achieve this.

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#8: server ip

by bad boy on 03/22/2005 02:04

on my router i can set up the ports for cube but it needs the server ip address
my router is the getgear model no. MR814

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#9: opening port

by nonoheran on 03/23/2005 09:33

hi all !!
i have got a different cube protocol ... and been disconnected !!
what is the pb please

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#10: ..

by makkE on 03/23/2005 14:37

You have an older version of cube.

Either use this (if you use windows):


or download this


and extract the archive.

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#11: ..

by jean pierre on 03/23/2005 16:46

Both work if you use winzip you still can download the .tar.gz just like i did.

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