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4 results in threads | 55 results in messages

1: A glitch?

by Robin Williams on 02/08/2009 18:09

Ok I am running Sauerbraten on a macintosh, and now I have run into a really nasty glitch. I have found that NONE of the console commands work or respond. For example, when I type /coop metl4. It states Unknown command: coop. I can't edit at all either. Whenever I scroll with the mouse, it states Unknown command: universaldelta. In short, I can't load maps using the console, or edit. I know its not the config file, because that maps the keys to the commands. So what is it?

2: Added controls tab to options

by AnimateDream on 09/11/2007 00:56

I just wanted to help out so I made a nice change to remap controls and adjust mouse sensitivity to the options menu. I don't know why it wasn't there in the first place.

First open this file

Now find the bottom of the options gui which should be about line 621. Make sure you put the cursor above the ] that terminates the options gui's data.

Now copy and paste the following into that spot

guitab "controls"
guitext "mouse sensitivity"
guislider sensitivity 1.0 20.0
actions = [forward backward left right jump attack "saycommand " "universaldelta 1" "universaldelta -1" edittoggle "weapon 1" "weapon 2" "weapon 3" "weapon 4"]

menubind = [ tobind = $arg1; showgui binditto ]
bindit = [ bind $arg1 $tobind ]


guilistsplit 4 $keys [
guibutton $n (concat bindit $n)

Next time you run the game there will be a controls tab in the options menu. Whomever is in charge of the official distributions might want to add this straight away. I'll be working in the c++ code to try to improve AI soon. AI has been a favorite of mine for seven years, back when I created the half-life: counter-strike mod poxbot.

On a final note, thanks to the developers of sauerbraten and cube 2. I find the code is relatively simple, clean, and fast.

3: (Hopefully easy) crosshair question.

by Muki Hyena on 08/30/2007 05:39

I want to change my crosshair in-game using a key that I've also binded to a zoom. I've got three levels of zoom; while zoomed I want to use a crosshair I have in /Data/ called crosshair_scope.png, and unzoomed to use the regular crosshair.png. My crosshair_scope.png is 50x50, so I'm pretty sure it meets the resolution recommendations.

This is what I have and it doesn't seem to be working.

zoom_index = (registersound zoom)
zoomend_index = (registersound zoomend)

bind MOUSE3 [ zoom0 ]
zoom0 = [ fov 120; hudgun 1; crosshairsize 25; sensitivity 3; crosshair = textureload("data/crosshair.png", 3, false); bind MOUSE3 [ sound $zoom_index; zoom1 ] ]
zoom1 = [ fov 60; hudgun 0; crosshairsize 20; sensitivity 2; crosshair = textureload("data/crosshair_scope.png", 3, false); bind MOUSE3 [ sound $zoom_index; zoom2 ] ]
zoom2 = [ fov 10; hudgun 0; crosshairsize 20; sensitivity 1; crosshair = textureload("data/crosshair_scope.png", 3, false); bind MOUSE3 [ sound $zoomend_index; zoom0 ] ]

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1; zoom0 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1; zoom0 ]

Help is appreciated in advance.

4: Bad problem, need a fix.

by Nenshou on 07/25/2005 01:17

Everytime I open the game, I can't move, or I can, just it takes VERY VERY VERY long. Is there a way I can lower the resolution to make it so my computer can play? I can't afford a new computer, and I'm stuck with this.

Here's a copy of the Settings file:

// put all your personal settings in this file,
// and all your keybindings that are different from the default (see keymap.cfg)

name "Nenshou" // change!
team "blah"

invmouse 0 // 1 for flightsim mode
sensitivity 30
sensitivityscale 10

fov 105

musicvol 150 // set higher if you want (max 255)
soundvol 150

fpsrange 20 25 // *don't modify* unless you understand it fully
// on slow machines, try setting to 20 25
// on fast machines, don't touch

minlod 25 // on slow machines, try as low as 25 (bad visuals)

dynlight 0 // set 0 if it slows you down

gamma 200 // set to your liking, 100 = default

bind F6 showmip
bind F5 toggleocull

bind F8 "savegame quicksave"
bind F9 "loadgame quicksave"

// example WASD

bind W forward
bind A left
bind S backward
bind D right

hudgun 1

alias sp [ mode -2; map $arg1 ]
alias dmsp [ mode -1; map $arg1 ]
alias ffa [ mode 0; map $arg1 ]
alias insta [ mode 4; map $arg1 ]

// below is a fun new way of editing, with all using the mousewheel
// try it out :)

alias modifier 0
alias domodifier [ alias modifier $arg1; onrelease [ alias modifier 0 ] ]

bind Q [ domodifier 1 ]
bind Z [ domodifier 2 ]
bind X [ domodifier 3 ]

alias universaldelta [
if $editing [ alias s "edit" ] [ alias s "game" ]
concatword delta _ $s _ $modifier

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

alias delta_edit_0 [ editheight $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_1 [ if $flrceil [ vdelta $arg1 ] [ vdelta (- 0 $arg1) ] ]
alias delta_edit_2 [ edittex $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_3 [ edittex (+ $flrceil 1) $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_4 [ equalize $flrceil ]
alias delta_edit_5 [ entproperty 0 $arg1 ] // and the others

alias delta_game_0 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ weapon 2 3 1 ] [ weapon 4 1 2 ] ]

alias zfov 120
alias delta_game_1 [// put all your personal settings in this file,
// and all your keybindings that are different from the default (see keymap.cfg)

name "Nenshou" // change!
team "blah"

invmouse 0 // 1 for flightsim mode
sensitivity 30
sensitivityscale 10

fov 105

musicvol 150 // set higher if you want (max 255)
soundvol 150

fpsrange 20 25 // *don't modify* unless you understand it fully
// on slow machines, try setting to 20 25
// on fast machines, don't touch

minlod 25 // on slow machines, try as low as 25 (bad visuals)

dynlight 0 // set 0 if it slows you down

gamma 200 // set to your liking, 100 = default

bind F6 showmip
bind F5 toggleocull

bind F8 "savegame quicksave"
bind F9 "loadgame quicksave"

// example WASD

bind W forward
bind A left
bind S backward
bind D right

hudgun 1

alias sp [ mode -2; map $arg1 ]
alias dmsp [ mode -1; map $arg1 ]
alias ffa [ mode 0; map $arg1 ]
alias insta [ mode 4; map $arg1 ]

// below is a fun new way of editing, with all using the mousewheel
// try it out :)

alias modifier 0
alias domodifier [ alias modifier $arg1; onrelease [ alias modifier 0 ] ]

bind Q [ domodifier 1 ]
bind Z [ domodifier 2 ]
bind X [ domodifier 3 ]

alias universaldelta [
if $editing [ alias s "edit" ] [ alias s "game" ]
concatword delta _ $s _ $modifier

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

alias delta_edit_0 [ editheight $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_1 [ if $flrceil [ vdelta $arg1 ] [ vdelta (- 0 $arg1) ] ]
alias delta_edit_2 [ edittex $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_3 [ edittex (+ $flrceil 1) $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_4 [ equalize $flrceil ]
alias delta_edit_5 [ entproperty 0 $arg1 ] // and the others

alias delta_game_0 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ weapon 2 3 1 ] [ weapon 4 1 2 ] ]

alias zfov 120
alias delta_game_1 [
alias zfov (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
if (< $zfov 10) [ alias zfov 10 ]
if (> $zfov 120) [ alias zfov 120 ]
fov $zfov

alias zfov (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
if (< $zfov 10) [ alias zfov 10 ]
if (> $zfov 120) [ alias zfov 120 ]
fov $zfov

What can I do?

55 results in messages | 4 results in threads

#1: editfacewentpush?

by Papriko on 06/26/2015 11:39 in General Thread

Sorry, but I appear to be kind of blind. According to universaldelta, or better said delta_edit_0, there is a command called editfacewentpush. It works ingame n stuff, no problem.

The problem that I do have though is that I can find it's definition nowhere. It does not seem to be some macro or alias in the default cubescript configs and a grep over the whole src folder gives me 0 hits as well.
I do find COMMAND(editface, "ii"); , but no editfacewentpush. So, where is it?

#2: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/17/2013 03:54 in Popular MP map remakes

/bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
/bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

Either that, if it doesn't work, go to your Documents/My Games/Sauerbraten directory and delete the config.cfg file.

#3: Re: A few things!

by Sub-Zero on 07/01/2013 17:49 in General Thread

"universaldelta 1" "universaldelta -1"


by RockStar on 07/02/2012 02:24 in Map Editing

GUYS I NEED HELP! for some reason now whenever i go to edit mode or just whenever i use the scroll button on my mouse (which is what you edit with :P) it just sais

unknown command: universaldelta

it wont let me edit nothing it just sais that everywhere im goin crazy! i have re-installed 4 times and no one has been able to help me):

#5: Re: unknown command help

by Razgriz on 04/23/2012 14:43 in General Thread

universaldelta = [do [delta_@(? $editing edit game)_@modifier @arg1]]

and everything's as it should be. :P

#6: unknown command help

by D-Brau on 04/23/2012 09:14 in General Thread

I am recently getting "unknown command : universaldelta" when trying to change weapons all of the sudden and I do not know how to fix it. I have tried reinstalling and switching servers but nothing is working. Can anybody help?

#7: Re: Update

by Razgriz on 02/13/2012 06:39 in A BIG Error in Sauerbraten

It's quite commonplace for this to occur. Your best bet in avoiding it, is to add the mouse binds in your autoexec.cfg so they're run whenever your game starts.

If you don't have an autoexec.cfg already, create a single text file and rename both it and its extension.

Stuff that would be a good idea to put inside (just in case something else also get's messed):


defaultmodifier = 0
modifier = $defaultmodifier
domodifier = [modifier = $arg1 ; onrelease [modifier = $defaultmodifier]]
universaldelta = [do [delta_@(? $editing edit game)_@modifier @arg1]]
bind MOUSE4 [universaldelta 1]
bind MOUSE5 [universaldelta -1]
delta_edit_0 = [if $blendpaintmode [scrollblendbrush $arg1] [editfacewentpush $arg1 1]]
delta_edit_1 = [gridpower (+ $arg1 $gridpower)]
delta_edit_2 = [editfacewentpush $arg1 0]
delta_edit_3 = [editfacewentpush $arg1 2]
delta_edit_4 = [editrotate $arg1]
delta_edit_5 = [entproperty 0 $arg1]
delta_edit_6 = [edittex $arg1]
delta_edit_9 = [selectbrush $arg1]
delta_edit_10 = [entautoview $arg1]
editbind 1 [domodifier 11]
editbind 2 [domodifier 12]
editbind 3 [domodifier 13]
editbind 4 [domodifier 14]
delta_edit_11 = [entproperty 0 (* $arg1 $multiplier)]
delta_edit_12 = [entproperty 1 (* $arg1 $multiplier)]
delta_edit_13 = [entproperty 2 (* $arg1 $multiplier)]
delta_edit_14 = [entproperty 3 (* $arg1 $multiplier)]
delta_edit_15 = [vdelta [voffset (* $arg1 $multiplier2) 0]]
delta_edit_16 = [vdelta [voffset 0 (* $arg1 $multiplier2)]]
delta_edit_17 = [vdelta [vrotate $arg1]]
delta_edit_18 = [vdelta [vscale (? (< $arg1 0) 0.5 2)]]
editbind LALT [multiplier = 10 ; onrelease [multiplier = 1]]
editbind RALT [multiplier2 = 32 ; onrelease [multiplier2 = 1]]
multiplier = 1
multiplier2 = 1

#8: Update

by sonic20x6 on 02/13/2012 00:10 in A BIG Error in Sauerbraten

Alright, I\'ve tried. When I typed /echo (geteditbind mouse4) in the console nothing showed up. However when I typed /echo $universaldelta, this showed up: universaldelta = [
do [delta_@(if $editing [ result edit ] [ result game ])_@modifier @arg1]
] exactly like Razgriz said. So the first one is blank, and the second one is fine. Also, keep in mind the only thing that\'s not working is the push/pull blocks. Every other edit tool is fine.

#9: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 02/12/2012 20:37 in A BIG Error in Sauerbraten

1 through 6 are completely irrelevant based on his problem. Better luck next time chubby.

sonic20x6: when your "bug" happens again, type /echo (geteditbind mouse4) and make sure it's set to 'universaldelta'. Also do /echo $universaldelta and make sure it's the same as this:

universaldelta = [
do [delta_@(if $editing [ result edit ] [ result game ])_@modifier @arg1]

If the first case proves to be the cause, something is overriding your wheel bind. If it's the latter, i don't know. Your easiest way out would be to restart the game.

#10: Re: universaldelta

by MeatROme on 01/20/2011 12:01 in Bug Reports

you should also check your console-log and/or stdout.txt for errors like "missing ]" or similar. If it works once and fails upon restart of the engine some script may be broken and thus make everything behind it fail.
Naturally you should (re-)move your config.cfg to ensure a fresh start of the engine.

#11: Re: universaldelta

by Razgriz on 01/20/2011 08:24 in Bug Reports

then obviously more things are "lost" than what i expected. do as eihrul said, and see if its fixed.

#12: Re: universaldelta

by srbs on 01/20/2011 05:58 in Bug Reports

you should do what eihrul says in #658

#13: Re: universaldelta

by Christopher Coker on 01/20/2011 02:02 in Bug Reports

now it tells me "unknown command: delta_edit_" when i executed your command it accepted it, this report happens now when i scroll.

#14: Re: universaldelta

by Razgriz on 01/18/2011 21:24 in Bug Reports

its obvious the game DOES NOT recognize the command, its not telling you the binds are empty :P

execute this command, and it should be fixed:
universaldelta = [do [delta_@(if $editing [ result edit ] [ result game ])_@modifier @arg1]]

#15: Re: universaldelta

by eihrul on 01/18/2011 21:19 in Bug Reports

Go to options -> restore defaults in the menus

#16: universaldelta

by Christopher Coker on 01/18/2011 21:08 in Bug Reports

1. linux ubuntu 10.10
2. GeForce 7150M
3. justice edition 7/19/10

error message: \"unknown command: universaldelta\"

my mouse wheel stopped working. I tried to re-bind it:

\"/bind mouse4 [universaldelta 1]\"


\"/bind mouse5 [universaldelta -1]\"

but no luck. what should i do?

#17: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/15/2011 22:26 in Script for making holes

If you're talking about Red Faction-like dynamic geometry deformation, you're sure as hell not going to get in in Cubescript.

You'll have to mod the source a LOT. Pretty much rewrite large parts of the engine. You'd be better off using another engine or writing your own from scratch.

If you're all right with just a cube hole, that's been done before. Try searching the forums and Quadropolis. (You'd probably have the most luck searching for the commands someone pasted, i.e. "edittoggle", "universaldelta", etc.)

#18: Re: universaldelta

by suicizer01 on 10/17/2010 20:47 in Bug Reports

I also had that several times in ctf edition.
I dont know a solution to solve it easy, but you can copy your autoexec and config file to an other folder than its regular position, so you'll always have a backup...

#19: Re: universaldelta

by lordjon on 10/17/2010 11:20 in Bug Reports

ok it going again

#20: universaldelta

by lordjon on 10/17/2010 11:05 in Bug Reports

hi me is this: I can at once the universal delta button no longer use ... so I can not switch weapons. when I turn the mouse wheel is at the top unknow command: universal delta

#21: Weapon Settings

by b3ast on 07/14/2010 18:51 in General Thread

Just a quick suggestion that I would love to have in the next version of the game: Custom weapon settings for each weapon. I know that this is possible with weapon binds, but when using universaldelta +1/-1 for scroll wheel, I haven\'t found a possible way to get separate settings to work. The commands could be something like /weaponsettings \"weapon number\" \"sensitivity number\" \"hudgun 1/0\" \"hudgunsdir \'\'\" etc. This would be a very useful way to get different settings for each weapon when they are drawn in all possible combinations and which hudgun (if any) is used.

#22: Re: universaldelta stopped functioning...

by eihrul on 12/22/2009 21:36 in General Thread

Remove your config.cfg file.

#23: universaldelta stopped functioning...

by vault on 12/22/2009 21:13 in General Thread

ffs, it's now an unknown command. any ideas how to fix? yeah... i've gone to options and put in mouse4 and mouse5 again, no luck.

#24: ..

by SheeEttin on 07/08/2009 08:42 in Advanced binding and two-attack weapons

/bind pageup [universaldelta 1]
/bind pagedown [universaldelta -1]

2. Not especially hard if you know what you're going, but it's probably never gonna happen in the official game.

3. Currently, there is a very minimal ability to do this. You couldn't really do what you're thinking of without being able to define the selection via the console. (I believe there may be a patch to do this floating around.)

#25: Re: not sure what to say about this...

by SheeEttin on 05/20/2009 03:48 in Bug Reports

Mouse wheel up could have become unbound... Try these:

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

Also try deleting config.cfg and ensure your mouse wheel works in other games.

#26: Problem

by Archangel on 05/09/2009 18:15 in General Thread

The last time I had a sauer release (summer edition) I messed it up pretty badly. I accidentally screwed up the config (so now it doesn't know what universaldelta means) saved custom maps as default maps, and a bunch of other stuff.

My question is, how do I start with a clean slate on the trooper edition? When I downloaded it, it loaded the same errors as the summer edition had.

#27: Re: Help please. Cannot Edit anything.

by eihrul on 04/24/2009 00:25 in General Thread

bind universaldelta to two keys, for example:

editbind 1 [universaldelta 1]
editbind 2 [universaldelta -1]

This would make the 1 key behave like scrolling up, and the 2 key behave like scrolling down.

#28: Something is wrong

by Diab on 02/13/2009 00:46 in General Thread

I can\'t use the scroll wheel in the game anymore. all it says is unknown command: universaldelta i\'ve deleted and reinstalled the game 2 times already with no success. My scroll wheel works perfect out of sauer but not in game. I use a mac. can anyone help me?

#29: Unknown Command: ALL OF THEM!

by a13x963 on 11/18/2008 11:07 in Bug Reports

i just installed the new cube 2 and tried to edit a new map but it keeps saying stuff like:
Unknown Command: universaldelta
" " select
" " delete ect

Im using windows vista, 7300 nVidia graphics card, 2gb ram and no idea about the processor but i know thats not it.

and im not a noob either, ive been using assassin edition till it had the same problems. EXACT SAME problems yet assassin edition works perfect on windows xp. i havent tried ctf edition on it yet.

anyway, any help?

#30: ..

by -Redon- on 10/22/2008 19:19 in domodifier?

mouse3 = mouse button click
mouse4 = mousewheel up
mouse5 = mousewheel down

but don't overwrite the mouse4 and mouse5 functon because you need them for many functions in sauer, [universaldelta] is binded to them (1 and -1)

"domodifier" is a command that chnages the function of universaldelta, by using commands called "delta_game_x" and "delta_edit_x" for editmode.

So for example, if you activate /domodifier 20
and define delta_game_20 and/or delta_game_20, the mousewheel doesnt execute delta_game_0 or delta_game_0 (default), but the ones you defined.

Then you can use the first parameter of the universaldelta command: 1 on mouse4 and -1 on mouse5.

I dont get what kind of script you want to make, but a script to change floatspeed would be like this for example:

editbind [key] [domodifier 20]
floatspeeds = "10 20 50 100 250 1000"
defaultfloatspeeds = 3

delta_edit_20 = [
defaultfloatspeeds = (+ $arg1 $defaultfloatspeeds)
if (< $defaultfloatspeeds 0) [defaultfloatspeeds = 0]
if (> $defaultfloatspeeds 5) [defaultfloatspeeds = 5]
floatspeed (at $floatspeeds $defaultfloatspeeds)

#31: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 10/22/2008 18:34 in domodifier?


And the mousewheelis bound to universaldelta +1 and universaldelta -1 by default.

#32: Wierd problems with binds.

by R0b0t1 on 08/13/2008 12:01 in General Thread

I was playing around with cubescript inside a multiplayer game (not cheating, mind you, just to talk to someone) and the wierdest thing happened. The next map all of my keys were unbound. I don't remember running a command like unbindall, if such exists, but they all spontaniously went out the window.

I've gotten them back, but whats even stranger, is that it does not recognize the commands "togglezoom" and "universaldelta" (when scrolling the mouse, pressing "g", respectively). Is there any reason such a strage thing should happen?

#33: Unknown commands. what i do?

by Tophat on 07/19/2008 17:48 in General Thread

I've got
"unknown command:togglezoom" and
"unknown command: universaldelta"

The upshot of this is that i cant zoom or change weapons, meaning that im useless in ctf and instagib.

so any suggestions?

#34: Re: Two Things

by SheeEttin on 04/01/2008 05:06 in General Thread

/bind mouse4 [universaldelta 1]
/bind mouse5 [universaldelta -1]
or vice versa. I think it might be the other way around. Whatever works for you. ;)

A list of all the key/button names can be found in data/keymap.cfg, and the default bindings can be found in data/defaults.cfg.
If you want settings to be applied (or bindings to be set) when you start up Sauer, put them in autoexec.cfg (in the main Sauer dir; create it if necessary).

#35: ...

by Hirato Kirata on 03/14/2008 16:55 in Most Wanted Feature

once you're done spamming, try the following bind.

/bind Mouse2 [universaldelta (- (rnd 2) 1)]

Might not work like you'd want it, cause it will select a random number between -1 and 1 (and uncluding them)

oh well, you got your wish, right mouse only :P

~Hirato Kirata

PS, my name is Hirato, Kirata, not Hiroshi Kata, and if you know what's good for you, don't do that again :P

#36: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 03/14/2008 14:54 in Most Wanted Feature

/bind PAGEUP [universaldelta -1]
/bind PAGEDOWN [universaldelta 1]

try those binds, you can try opposite values though. you should find quite pleasantly that Page up and Page down now does the scroll wheel's job.

~Hirato Kirata

#37: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 03/13/2008 18:03 in Most Wanted Feature

No, "/bind mouse2 [universaldelta +1]" does bind increasing the universal delta to the mouse button 2. And universal delta controls the weapon you're carrying. So just try this command and see what happens. ;)

#38: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/09/2008 14:57 in Most Wanted Feature

/bind mouse2 [universaldelta +1]

#39: scroll wheels

by Osbios on 02/19/2008 20:24 in Map Editing

Of course you can change the setting to other buttons. Have a look at "config.cfg":

editbind "MOUSE3" [ selcorners ]
bind "MOUSE4" [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind "MOUSE5" [ universaldelta -1 ]

So you can bind other keys to universaldelta 1 and -1. Like the "Page Up" and "Page Down" button. But it would be far more easy to buy some cheap mouses with a wheel!!

#40: Re: GROAN

by MeatROme on 11/25/2007 16:38 in 1000Multiplayers create with Editor.Plz let us create Cities

Oh, completely forgot about your mouse-wheel rant:
a) linux users have mouse-wheels too - I do :)
b) you can edit your config to bind "regular" keys to the functions of the mouse-wheel

bind PAGEUP [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind PAGEDOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]

Oh ... and buying a mouse _without_ wheel seems to be getting harder and harder ... and mice are really not all that much of a strain on even the tiniest wallet.

#41: Re: How to use cube without mouse wheel?

by MeatROme on 03/31/2007 05:15 in General Thread


the posts of quin, makkE and myself (#1,#2,#3 when I searched) seemed most helpful.

May The Search Be With You!
Use The Search Luke!

#42: ..

by Quin on 02/04/2007 15:42 in Rebinding the scrollwheel?

I'd say the mouse would bind those buttons to MOUSE4 and MOUSE5, unless the drivers are telling it to do something different.

You could always do what I do on my laptop (the touchpad simulated scrolling is no good for sauer), put this in (or create it if you have to) autoexec.cfg:

bind UP [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind DOWN [ universaldelta -1 ]

BTW, MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 is already universaldelta, so if it's not already working for you then you need to prod the drivers for your mouse. Help with that is beyond the scope of this forum, I suggest googling it.

#43: ..

by makkE on 08/23/2006 01:39 in MacBook Pro and Editing

You can also bind the push/pull stuff to keys.

This is the mousewheel stuff (in your confog.cfg):

bind "MOUSE4" [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind "MOUSE5" [ universaldelta -1 ]

Just replace mouse4 and mouse5 with some keys.

#44: Re: wanted features

by MeatROme on 07/27/2006 17:20 in Most Wanted Feature

@1: I guess this won't happen - a rifle shot makes 100 dmg, so a un-boosted player dies instantly ... sauer ain't CS or UT!

-- -- --

@2: reconfigure your setup to not use scroll-wheel. You'll need to :
- delete config.cfg
- modify data/defaults.cfg
..(and any other cfg's where MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 are used)
..use two keys of your liking and bind ..them to call
..[universaldelta +1]
..[universaldelta -1].

... or just buy a scroll-wheel mouse, it's not just worth it for sauer!

#45: Broken mousewheel...

by Taehl on 05/06/2006 02:24 in General Thread

I'm using Sauerbraten. I know what most everything does (kinda, I'm still noobish), and I must say that I'm very impressed by the game/engine.

However... My mousewheel is broken... I know that I can bind the universaldelta stuff to any key I want, but I want it to go to my mouse's two side buttons (commonly called "mouse4" and "mouse5" by other games)... I've tried binding mouse6 and mouse7, but that doesn't seem to work... What can I do?

#46: Re: Better Models

by 1134 on 04/23/2006 03:35 in Most Wanted Feature

if you dont have a scroll wheel, you can bind keys in the config file to do the same thing in cube, [ and ] were used to change the height field so i used those.

bind "LEFTBRACKET" [ universaldelta -1 ]
bind "RIGHTBRACKET" [ universaldelta 1 ]

#47: ..

by makkE on 04/21/2006 13:03 in More Sauerbraten suggestions

You can do it yourself:

bind x [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind y [ universaldelta -1 ]

where x and y are only examples, just bind the keys you want to use to substitute the wheel.

#48: ..

by makkE on 02/16/2006 01:28 in Sauerbraten Map Editing Help

Add this to your config:

bind "1" [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind "2" [ universaldelta -1 ]

Now 1 and 2 perform what the mousewheel does. Can be bound to any key you like.

#49: video setting thing for cube.

by staffy2000 on 10/02/2004 14:31 in General Thread

i learnt a way to edit nvidia and ati card driver settings that should be able to get antialiasing and trilinear filtering and some other stuff working on cube. This should make it look better and slow down newer graphics cards a bit. you need windows to do it though.

so 1st go to this site: http://www.guru3d.com/rivatuner/
and download rivatuner. Then install it.

2nd go to nvidia.com or ati.com and get the latest drivers for you card.
install the drivers.

then start up rivatuner. go to customise driver settings --> open GL settings.

then basically go berserk changing the settings to maxiumum, enable, force on, or quality. (except for the mipmap lod setting, nasty...)

this slowed my card down by 50% so it must have done something to it.

btw. change the settings back if you are planning on playing doom 3 or something like that which is open GL.

and try this config file

name "yowming" // change!
team "blue"

invmouse 0

sensitivity 30
sensitivityscale 10

fov 110

bind F6 showmip
bind F5 toggleocull

bind F8 "savegame quicksave"
bind F9 "loadgame quicksave"

// example WASD

bind W forward
bind A left
bind S backward
bind D right

hudgun 1

alias sp [ mode -2; map $arg1 ]
alias dmsp [ mode -1; map $arg1 ]
alias ffa [ mode 0; map $arg1 ]
alias insta [ mode 4; map $arg1 ]

// below is a fun new way of editing, with all using the mousewheel
// try it out :)

alias modifier 0
alias domodifier [ alias modifier $arg1; onrelease [ alias modifier 0 ] ]

bind Q [ domodifier 1 ]
bind Z [ domodifier 2 ]
bind X [ domodifier 3 ]

alias universaldelta [
if $editing [ alias s "edit" ] [ alias s "game" ]
concatword delta _ $s _ $modifier

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

alias delta_edit_0 [ editheight $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_1 [ if $flrceil [ vdelta $arg1 ] [ vdelta (- 0 $arg1) ] ]
alias delta_edit_2 [ edittex $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_3 [ edittex (+ $flrceil 1) $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_4 [ equalize $flrceil ]
alias delta_edit_5 [ entproperty 0 $arg1 ] // and the others

alias delta_game_0 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ weapon 2 3 1 ] [ weapon 4 1 2 ] ]

alias zfov 120
alias delta_game_1 [
alias zfov (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
if (< $zfov 10) [ alias zfov 10 ]
if (> $zfov 120) [ alias zfov 120 ]
fov $zfov

musicvol 175
soundvol 175

fpsrange 40 60

minlod 250

dynlight 32

gamma 105

rate 3750

fog 140

lighterror 1

watersubdiv 2

maxparticles 2550

lightscale 5

#50: .

by Gilt on 05/16/2004 22:15 in Sauerbraten Maps

fill commands: F + scroll wheel

problems mapping: somebody should probably write a tutorial, which clearly details the fundamental ideas mappers need to know first, like that cubes are statically positioned and all editing is based around shrinking their edges, and splitting them into 8 smaller cubes.

i'll try to make it easier in game by playing around with the editing display, and adding arbitrary copy selections etc.

For those that don't have a scroll wheel, or prefer the keyboard, find your autoexec.cfg and these lines:

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

and change MOUSE4/5 to the keys that you would prefer using.

#51: Re: config /autoexec.cfg - problems

by spentron-postcrash2 on 10/22/2003 15:11 in General Thread

... bind MOUSE2 [ fov 25; sensitivity 2; onrelease [ fov 110; sensitivity 6 ] ]

This is the only thing not in the regular config I see here. You can also zoom with Q + turning the mousewheel, but when you zoom in the mouse is still as sensitive as if you didn't zoom, which seems MORE sensitive and results in little advantage.

The flaw here is there's no central place to set sensitivity. If you set it the normal place only, that will be overridden as soon as you use the zoom.

... hudgun 0

doesn't display your gun

... bind Q ...
Q, Z, X control the mousewheel function, only Q is used in-game, rest is for editing.

... alias universaldelta ...
central function for different mousewheel functions. MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 are the scroll wheel and call universaldelta.

... if $editing [ alias s "edit" ] [ alias s "game" ]

sets variable "s" to the word edit if in edit mode, otherwise to the word "game."

... concatword delta _ $s _ $modifier

Builds a command word. If no QZX, modifier is 0, if game mode, $s is "game", so it makes "delta_game_0" which you see the command for a bit later, switches weapons. The part you wouldn't guess is that concatword puts the result in variable "s" always. The next line, which only has "s" in it, uses the word you just made as a command, which calls the "alias delta_[...]" commands that follow. "$arg1" in those is -1 or 1, which comes all the way from the "bind MOUSE4" and 5 commands.

See also the configs on my site ( http://www.intergate.com/~spentron/cube/cube.html ) which modify the original functions more completely.

#52: config /autoexec.cfg - problems

by kerim on 10/22/2003 10:02 in General Thread

i got a config from a friend.
there it says :

bind MOUSE2 [ fov 25; sensitivity 2; onrelease [ fov 110; sensitivity 6 ] ]
hudgun 0

what does that mean ??
it changes the sensitvity ? ok but for what ?

and ehm i dont have a clue what this could mean :

alias modifier 0
alias domodifier [ alias modifier $arg1; onrelease [ alias modifier 0 ] ]

bind Q [ domodifier 1 ]
bind Z [ domodifier 2 ]
bind X [ domodifier 3 ]

alias universaldelta [
if $editing [ alias s "edit" ] [ alias s "game" ]
concatword delta _ $s _ $modifier

bind MOUSE4 [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind MOUSE5 [ universaldelta -1 ]

alias delta_edit_0 [ editheight $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_1 [ if $flrceil [ vdelta $arg1 ] [ vdelta (- 0 $arg1) ] ]
alias delta_edit_2 [ edittex $flrceil $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_3 [ edittex (+ $flrceil 1) $arg1 ]
alias delta_edit_4 [ equalize $flrceil ]
alias delta_edit_5 [ entproperty 0 $arg1 ] // and the others

alias delta_game_0 [ if (= $arg1 1) [ weapon 2 3 1 ] [ weapon 4 1 2 ] ]

alias zfov 120
alias delta_game_1 [
alias zfov (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
if (< $zfov 10) [ alias zfov 10 ]
if (> $zfov 120) [ alias zfov 120 ]
fov $zfov

im ready for any help :D


#53: Re: Today's Scripting Lesson ;)

by Aardappel on 11/11/2002 11:37 in Map Editing

yup its integer math, like any programming language. Cube scripting has no floats, sorry.

The universaldelta alias is a neat way to have a variety of functions bound to the mousewheel depending on editing mode or not and various modifier keys.
concatword builds up the name of the alias and then executes it.

#54: Today's Scripting Lesson ;)

by spentron@PP on 11/08/2002 22:06 in Map Editing

Truncated math:

alias tt (* 9 (div 72 90))
echo $tt

alias tt (div (* 9 72) 90)
echo $tt

alias tt [* 9 [div 72 90]]
echo $tt
[* 9 [div 72 90]]

I was also wondering about these mousewheel scripts in the official AUTOEXEC. Is this MOUSE4 and 5 the wheel? I did notice that I had to setup my mouse for default functions for the 3rd button (sutoscroll) for it to work -- can I use the actual 4th and 5th buttons other than setting them up as letters or something?

I also don't see where these delta_ aliases are being called from. Is this also a coded mousewheel function? Or does this have to do with the extra "s" line in the universaldelta alias? I thought it was a harmeless mistake at first but coouldn't get it to work without that. Or is that where the concatword goes?

Are these delta_edit_4 and 5 functions avail. as is?

I see the mouse 4 and 5 are bound to [universaldelta 1] etc. but universaldelta takes no $arg1. Does it just pass to the next layer of aliases because it didn't use it?

Let me know if this is explained already or simply impossible. I did get what I wanted to work but it was 50% trial and error ;) .

#55: Re: Terrain Prefab

by Bascule on 08/11/2002 22:56 in Map Editing

lol at screenshot - nice one :)
I like the idea of building height by putting one hill on top of another, I'd not tried that. If it looks good, I'll put it in the ReadMe as a feature (with a credit of course) :)
Yeah, the ultimate aim is to use Aard's universaldelta; just wind the hill up and down using the mousewheel. I think that this will require a formula for curve generation, rather than a set of pre-defined prefabs, as the aliases will be too many and too long otherwise.

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